Gut Health and How I’m Getting Rid of Parasites (2024)

You read that correctly… I have parasites. The thing is, most of us have parasites and never even realize it. This post is all about How I’m Getting Rid of Parasites Naturally.

These little buggers are very sneaky and easy to get, especially when you’re stressed or when your immune system is weak. Parasites are smart and take advantage of you in those weaker moments, thinking you will make a great host! So they get comfy. They eat your food and nutrients and over time can cause you to feel tired, weak and bloated with chronic GI problems. You probably think it was something you ate, or a food sensitivity (this is what I thought). They also poop in you, releasing their own toxic bacteria and viruses. Yes, they have their own bacteria and viruses, and parasites can live within parasites. Over time, having a parasite can lead to nutrient deficiencies, hormone imbalance, chronic stomach problems, skin issues… the list goes on.

While they often prefer to live in the colon, they can set up shop in any part of your body. Your liver, uterus, esophagus, lungs, brain, blood, muscles, joints and skin, etc. Parasites can live in your intestines for years and years without causing any symptoms, too. They are a part of life and unavoidable. They’re also incredibly contagious, especially if you don?t wash your hands enough. This makes children especially susceptible to parasites. Think you are too good for parasites? Think again. They do not discriminate.

How Do You Get Parasites?

From literally anything.

Sushi is the number one offender, but so is undercooked meat, unwashed vegetables or fruit, contaminated water (especially while traveling), from your dog, from kissing and from simply breathing in the air outside. I know. Someone even messaged me to beware of vegan sushi as it is usually made using the same knife and cutting board as regular sushi. They used to work as a sushi chef… so sushi as a whole is off limits for me.

Parasites are inevitable and we all have them. The doctors at Microbe Formulas always say, if you have a pulse, you have parasites. Eek!

How Did I Find Out I Have Parasites?

I saw them in the toilet. A worm and liver flukes that look like rolled up tomato peels…. only you haven’t eaten tomatoes lately. PUKE. Since then, I’ve seen parasites that look like pink pieces of corn (also called liver flukes). I’ve seen 12-inch and 24-inch long worms. I’ve seen small rope worms and things with squiggly legs. I’ve seen enough parasites to last a lifetime (at least 100 of them) and most of the time, I want to vomit but I’m also RELIEVED that I’m killing them off and what I’m doing is working. Like, GET OUT OF MY BODY. Please.

I’m actually embarrassed and can’t believe I’m sharing this for anyone to read. But, because gut health is probably the most important aspect of our health overall, I hope it can help you or someone you know.

Gut problems are not to be overlooked.

Since February, I’ve been working on my gut health which I believe is why my body started to eliminate these parasites. Now, I’m helping it along with a couple things that I will talk about later. It all started with my first ever colonic in February. This experience was nothing short of amazing. I felt like I was HIGH ON LIFE afterwards, like I was flying. I’m not exaggerating one bit. I wondered why I had waited so long and why I was so scared? It was nothing to be scared of.

Those who don’t believe in colonics probably haven’t tried them.

The point is, I started to stir things up in my body and move stagnant energy from my 30 years of living on Earth. Parasites do not thrive when you are healthy, especially with regular cleansing. I got 3 more colonics and started doing coffee enema’s once a week at home. I started to use the sauna more at the gym. I made daily green drinks (and still do) that are like brooms and sweep out your intestines. At the time, I had no idea I was dealing with parasites. I wanted to focus on my gut health because I was tired of my stomach feeling so distended, even after waking up in the morning, when my stomach was empty.

I knew that something wasn’t right because there was so much tightness and pressure when I pressed on my stomach. I’m very in tune with my body and what is normal for me, and this was getting out of control which is why I started colonics and enemas, to try and clear things out. I’m not saying you should start doing all of these things, this is just what my intuition was telling me to do. And then one day, I saw the parasites in the toilet (and did a double take while also screaming). And that’s how my journey started. 2 months into this protocol and I’m still eliminating them.

I have no idea how long these bugs and worms have been living in me. I assume a long time because they are not small.

Signs That You May Have A Parasite:

  • intense food cravings (especially for sugar and processed foods)
  • chronic fatigue
  • recurring yeast infections
  • anemia, iron deficiency, nutrient deficiency
  • teeth grinding (or drooling during sleep)
  • skin ailments (hives, rashes, eczema, itchy dermatitis, acne, ulcers, sores, lesions, etc.)
  • nervousness, anxiety
  • persistent digestive problems (diarrhea, cramps, bloating, gas)
  • itching ? especially around the mouth, nose and anus
  • mood disorders
  • hyperactivity
  • weight gain or weight loss
  • appetite changes
  • dark under-eye bags
  • sleeping issues
  • brain fog, memory issues
  • hormone imbalance
  • painful menstruation
  • bad taste in mouth
  • mouth sores/blisters

Throughout this whole experience, I know it sounds strange but I could feel sharp pains in my stomach which I associated with them dying. I had ear aches which is another die-off symptom (of parasites and candida). I also experienced headaches, fatigue and nausea (and still do sometimes). These symptoms are no joke but I remind myself it is temporary and worth it. It is a process and staying consistent is the most important part. My experience has been very manageable. My stomach is the flattest it has ever been. There is no more pressure or tightness. I haven’t lost any weight but I feel a lot lighter if that makes sense and have lost a couple inches on my waist. Also, my skin and eyes are brighter, my under-eye bags have dramatically lightened up and my brain fog has disappeared. Coincidence much? I think not. I feel like a new person. I’m not just saying this. Parasites are pure evil.

I’m not saying you absolutely have parasites. But you probably do. The only way to truly know is to do a GI Map test or stool test but even then, not everything shows up from one stool test because parasites like to hide. So you may have to do multiple tests for more accuracy. Unfortunately, with my sh*tty insurance (I’m self-employed), I decided against the expensive tests and doctor’s visits for the time time being and instead, I asked my functional medicine doctor to help me come up with a protocol. It has been working extremely well for me. In the first couple weeks I saw them every time I went to the bathroom which was multiple times a day. I still see them most days. I’m saving up to do the stool testing in a couple months. I don’t advise you to go this route. Please find a naturopath to work with who can help you. But also, doing a parasite cleanse it not harmful in any way if you want to go through with it. Doing this will only improve your life and clean out your body, potentially giving you your energy and life back.

My Personal Parasite 3-Month Protocol:

Why 3 months? Because parasites reproduce and lay eggs, and we want to be sure to kill all life cycles of all parasites. This isn’t a one-week-and-done protocol. It’s a commitment. Also, I’m taking a slower route to avoid harsh die-off symptoms so I can still work and live my life, for the most part. After 3 months, I will focus on rebuilding and strengthening my gut microbiome. Then, every 6 months I will do some sort of parasite cleanse for prevention, because I don’t want to go through this again.

  • Mimosa Pudica Seed: This is an herb that I heavily researched before starting. I chose this herb because in your digestive tract, the Mimosa Pudica Seed becomes a gelatinous, sticky gut scrubber. As it works its way through the intestinal tract, it scrubs and pulls out toxins, heavy metals and biofilm. It suffocates parasites and other unwanted elements. It?s like deep cleaning for your insides but it keeps the bugs whole instead of ripping them apart in pieces (which gives me peace of mind that pieces of parasites aren’t getting stuck). Also, you don’t have to fast. You just need to take this herb on an empty stomach with no food for at least 30 minutes after. You want the bugs and parasites to eat this herb before anything else. I take two on an empty stomach as soon as I wake up. Then I take two at night before bed, 3-4 hours after I’ve eaten dinner.
  • Kidney Liver Detox Supplement: As you cleanse and kill off parasites or infections, a lot of toxic substances are released which means your liver has a lot to process. It is essential to include some sort of liver detox supplement to alleviate some of the burden placed on your liver.
  • Biactive Carbon Biotox This will bind and move the toxic substances that you have stirred up out of your body. Taking a high quality binder like this one will really help with any die-off symptoms. The idea is to eliminate the toxicity as soon as possible. I take 1-2 capsules per day, whenever I feel a headache coming on or when I feel die-off symptoms.
  • High-Quality Probiotic: With all this cleansing, you want to try and keep as much of the good bacteria in your gut as possible. Taking a daily probiotic will help keep more of a balance and help with elimination which is so essential during this time of cleansing. I take one per day, in the morning, with my large glass of lemon water.
  • Digestive Enzymes: Because there is a lot going on in the gut during a parasite cleanse, digestive enzymes can be helpful before meals. They help with absorption and optimize digestion. I take them once or twice a day before meals, if I feel like I need it.
  • Electrolytes: A parasite cleanse means going to the bathroom more than normal which means you are losing more fluids than normal and can become dehydrated. To prevent this, I add the LyteShow electrolytes to my water everyday, especially in my morning lemon water or after a sweaty workout. See my homemade gatorade recipe.

Other Ways I’m Improving My Gut Health:

Aside from the things I mentioned above, here are other ways to help improve your gut health!

  • Juice of 1 whole lemon, in filtered water, with a splash of apple cider vinegar every single morning
  • A daily green drink (recipe here)
  • Leafy greens at every meal (kale, spinach, chard, romaine)
  • Lots of vegetables with at least 2 meals per day
  • Eat more fermented foods (raw sauerkraut, kimchi, pickled vegetables, tempeh, dairy-free yogurt, etc)
  • Coffee Enema’s once a week
  • Sauna 1-2 times per week
  • Exercise 4-5x times per week
  • Getting outside more for a daily walk

Whew! That was a lot of info. I hope you found this post helpful. Have you ever experienced parasites? Let me know in the comments below!

Check out my parasite 4-month update here!

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Gut Health and How I’m Getting Rid of Parasites (6)

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Gut Health and How I’m Getting Rid of Parasites (2024)


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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.